Real Time Planning©:
We take planning to the next level.  Using standard XA© planning logic, customer demand and replenishment orders are automatically planned and/or created as needed.  This is a true real time planning system.  It reacts to customer order line items adds, changes, and deletions as well as changes in on order quantities (manufacturing and purchasing) and on-hand inventory balances as needed.  The ATP stands for available to promise.  Our ATP integrates with COM via the ATP user exit provided by MAPICS.  Additionally, our ATP can be used as a standalone menu option.  Therefore, you can quote availability to a customer without having to jump through hoops.  If you are already using XA's© MRP, not to worry.  We make it simple for you to implement our Real time Planning© application.  Give us a call to find out more or click here to view our on-line info sheet (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

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